About the project
This book about type 1 diabetes for children and their parents was published in 2003 by the Endocrinology Research Centre in Moscow. It contains a lot of useful information for those who are facing this problem for the first time. It is written in simple, friendly language. But its design has been outdated for a long time, so we decided to create a concept for a new version.
Anya Rekina — an art director:
«I have my own story with this book. I have type 1 diabetes. And when I was in hospital with a new diagnosis, my endocrinologist brought me this particular book to study my new status and how to live with it.
I have warm feelings about this book. I decided to redesign this book in hospital. It gave me the feeling that in this difficult situation I was trying to change something, to live it right for myself. So this project is something of my own. It is linked to one of the key moments in my life».
Design and illustrate an updated, more modern version of the methodical publication.
What we did:
— Created colour coding by chapter for easy orientation;
— Developed a clear structure for the design of the text: headings, subheadings, notes, body text, etc.
— Drawn vector illustrations that look friendly, playful and do not evoke negative emotions to complement the book's loving, supportive, caring language and not add stress to readers who are already struggling.
— Added additional information on the flyleaf with carbohydrate and glycaemic index tables.